Georgian Bay Geology
Georgian Bay and notably Parry Sound and The Massasauga Provincial Park, are geologically significant areas consisting of two distinct bedrock types:
- Parry Sound Greenstone Belt of meta-volcanic, meta-sedimentary, and igneous rocks
- Ontario Gneiss Belt of igneous rock types
Both are important for their representation of this geologic history in Ontario through superb bedrock exposures along the coast and the intricate patterns of rock outcrops, shoals, and islands.
Glaciation has also been a prominent and most effective sculptor of this area. Through scouring and deposition, a rocky landscape has evolved along with small deposits of soil in which only the hardiest of vegetative species can exist. The Wisconsin Glacier of approximately 30,000 years ago, along with Glacial Lake Algonquin's hydrological actions of about 11,000 years ago, were the major creators of the land-form features which are represented today throughout the area.
The Wreck Island Trail provides a wonderful opportunity to view the unique geological features firsthand.